
Life filled dreams with a Messianic perspective

Passover is Almost Here

With the coming of Spring, I am always reminded that Passover is just around the corner.  The first night of the Seder is April 6th this year.  It is such a clear reminder that Y’Shua (Jesus) is our Messiah.  He was born of a virgin in Bethlehem, crucified on Passover and risen after three days and nights.  Hallelujah!

Side note –

Y’Shua was probably crucified on Wednesday.  Every start of a holy day was considered a Sabbath.  So, when they said they were preparing for the Sabbath, they were referring to the beginning of Passover.  He lay in the grave for three days and three nights (the sign of Jonah) and arose after the third day.  (probably sometime on Saturday night)  When the women went to the grave early on Sunday morning, Y’Shua was already gone.

This is one of the reasons that it is good to learn what the customs were at the time and why Y’Shua taught from a Jewish perspective.

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March 27, 2012 - Posted by | Home

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